Emotions continued...
Now, let me share some of the truth we have learned through general revelation about human emotion. Some people are born more emotional than others.
There are at least 3 qualities that we are born with. These are qualities that are genetic. They manifest themselves very early in life. In fact, they show up in the first few days of life. These qualities are: Activity level, sociability, and emotionality.
Some have more and some have less of each. Some people are innately more emotional than others. They experience more emotions and do so more intensely.
Now, we are not victims of this genetic tendency. We are moldable and pliable. But during our earliest days, we learn how to deal with our emotions through our interactions with our parents/caregivers. It would take years of study to discuss how this might occur. But let me just say that, for example, if someone is born more emotional and his parents discourage emotional reactions, his emotional reactions might be lessened. If his parents encourage emotional expression, his emotions might be increased.
As parents, we need to teach our children how to deal with their emotions. My wife was great at teaching our kids “emotions modulation”, which are ways of controlling our emotions rather than being controlled by them.
If we reach adulthood without this ability, we can still learn. We are not victims of our upbringing. But change has to come from within. We can help each other by providing an environment that fosters growth, but each of us has to go through the process himself.
How do we learn to appropriately deal with emotion? Anger, fear, sadness, depression, anxiety…?
- Start with the body issues we talked about before. Are you getting enough sleep, proper nutrition, and exercise?
- Rehearse what the Bible teaches us about emotion, via example and imperative. (see part four)
- Be honest about our feelings, at least with God. The Psalms are full of this. (Ps. 56, 23, 139, 5, etc) This also involves assessing whether or not our emotions are warranted. Are our emotions, especially anger, sadness, and fear, appropriate for the situation? It is appropriate to fear something that can bring you harm (a fall from a great height, snakes, poisonous spiders, God!) It is appropriate to be sad when you lose a loved one or have a hope dashed.
- Share with a trusted confidant.
- Write in a feelings journal.
- Rehearse the truth of God's sovereignty (Dan. 5.23...God has in His control your very breath and all your ways.)
In review, emotions are God given and allow us a unique opportunity. If we experience our emotions in appropriate ways at appropriate times, we will be reflecting something more of God's nature to the world, thus bringing Him more glory!
Next time, the Will.