Saturday, November 15, 2008

Back from India

On a personal note...

I returned from India last Sunday afternoon. This is my second trip, having gone in November of 2007 as well, and I have been amazed at God's kindness and provision in each case.

I've also been amazed at the level of welcome and kindness with which we are received by the local Indian ministers. They are so friendly and appreciative of our teaching.

Last year I taught on "Holistic Health" (how to be healthy in mind, body, emotion, etc) and this year I taught basic counseling skills to leaders who are already counseling others, informally.

I was also able to do some counseling (2 or 3 hours per day) and pray for all kinds of healing and guidance.

One man in particular, at the age of 38, was still struggling with feelings of inferiority and insignificance. For years, throughout childhood and even now, he has heard assaults on his value and worth as a minister and as a person. We prayed. He cried. I felt the healing hand of God on his heart and soul.

If God had me there for only this one man, it was worth it.

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