Sunday, May 11, 2008

Prayer of Adoration


You have spoken in your marvelous word, and you continue to speak. It is your nature to speak.

It is our nature to not listen.

So open our ears to hear and our eyes to see your glory, power, plan, and future.

Your glory motivates us.

Your power enables us.

Your plan guides us.

And your future emboldens us.

We adore you, but not enough.

We worship you, but not enough.

We praise you, but not enough.

Your Son has made a way into Your most Holy presence and we come in boldly, with more adoration, more worship, and more praise.

And we say with the song writer, “When every star grows black and cold and heaven like a garment folds, God’s glory shall but brighter glow. When every hymn is finally sung and praise exhausts each Christian tongue, God’s rightful praise shall start to flow.”

Please accept our adoration, praise and worship, in the good name of your Son, Jesus Christ.


1 comment:

TerryB said...


Thanks so much. Isn't it telling that the best writing is prayer? I should learn from that.

btw, if you didn't know, there's a C.S. Lewis exhibit at the main library, 2nd floor. There's not a lot there, but it's worth checking out.